I might be making a terrible mistake and all of you are invited to watch.
I might be making a terrible mistake and all of you are invited to watch. I have, in the past, flirted with consistent writing. I'm going to try and commit to it now. I hope to have some structure to what I do here but that structure is currently ephemeral. Perhaps I will created some audio works, maybe some visiual. I might concentrate on non-fiction while also dabling in more creative works. Sometimes I can draw. I used to do podcasts until I grew tired of talking about sports (but not to my friends.)
Your time and capital are valuable. I would not ask for anything in exchange until I felt like I had produced things of value to you that you would want. Then we start getting into the R E G U L A R P R O D U C T I O N that many an endevour have grounded against.
Welcome, he said to an empty room. You can subscribe for updates here: subscribe