Well Dressed I can look back and see little things - small acts, thoughts, behaviors - that in the moment seem like not so big a deal but when added together through memory and time lead to a conclusion of "oh yeah this was coming."
Home and Away Community is an obligation to others. This can make it a hard thing to find and an even harder thing to keep.
Saturday, July 29 What is it, exactly, that rots someones brain when you have enough power and influnce to make people be nice to you and say you are the best all the time?
Saturday, July 22 I grew up in the suburbs and lived there my entire life, so the experience of the city both good and bad is new to me in my old age.
Saturday, July 15 There are people who go shopping late at night, even folks with like little kids and stuff and I could never understand how you could have a small child out in public past like 8 pm how does that kid sleep what is happening.